Round-the-clock Tele-Counselling – A BOD Initiative

The Board of Directors – Indian Schools in Oman has initiated a praise worthy move in providing round-the-clock tele-counselling services to all students and teachers of Indian Schools across Oman. It strives to meet the unique needs of each student irrespective of age, gender, socio-economic status or culture and offer free, confidential and non-judgmental support in times of despair due to personal or academic concerns. A team of qualified counsellors who have been earmarked for tele-counselling are committed to promoting and protecting the well-being of every person who makes a call for help. The helpline number dedicated to tele-counselling service is 00968-90990444. The helpline is for the students and faculty members of the Indian Schools in Oman. Parents can have access to the helpline only in relation to the problem of their wards studying in Indian Schools.